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Metallurgical Crisis

Level : 52

Zone : Ember Isle

End : Rorshana Hereni

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Ember Isle Reward Bag

Notoriety :
+250 The Keepers

Money : 33 85

XP : 5490

Metallurgical Crisis

Rorshana Hereni wants you to shatter Earthforged Deposits and destroy the Slag Brutes trapped inside.


The Golden Maw at Gilded Strand are tireless in their attempts to birth new earthen monstrosities from the riches of this island. They are either testing alloys in some mad service to their goddess, Laethys, or they are building an army. In either case, they must be stopped. Shatter their Earthforged Deposits and slay whatever emerges.

Upon completion

You have done well to destroy the Slag Brutes, [%name]. Gilded Strand is the headquarters of the Golden Maw's efforts on this island. We will have to keep an eye on their actions and destroy their metallurgical experiments whenever the opportunity arises.