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Seeds of Their Destruction

Level : 30

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Captain Ledisko

End : Advisor Kyl'radi

Choose one of these rewards :
 Mender's Hoop
 Magi's Adornment
 Robber's Loop
 Conscript's Bangle

Notoriety :
+400 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : 12 60

XP : 3060

Seeds of Their Destruction

Collect Infused Ore and Raw Stormstone to make a weapon against the planar invaders. Deliver them to Advisor Kyl'radi when you are done.


The air rift that has appeared in the Howling Plateau is a serious concern. It's centered on an ancient relic and guarded by powerful planar invaders. To make matters worse, the Defiant are moving in to procure the relic. The rift invaders are far too powerful to take on directly, but my advisor thinks he can help us overcome them. We just need a few things first.

Upon completion

Oh, good, you have the Infused Ore and Raw Stormstone. Yes, [%CLASS], these should do perfectly.