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Estranged Brew

Level : 50

Start : Lenny the Grifter

End : Lenny the Grifter

 Summerfest Merit Badge
 Lenny's Finest

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040


I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I... oh forget it. I know what this looks like, but as an adventurer I've collected wealth beyond measure! Now? Oh, I'm taking some personal time, you know... to plan my next big adventure. I can cut you in, but I need some help tracking down the beer I lost when I was out swashbuckling and dungeon delving. Can you believe it, even the great Lenny the Grifter was caught unawares! Interested?

Upon completion

Congratulations... you helped the honorable and noble Lenny the Grifter complete a major milestone in his adventuring! Here is your reward and don't spend it all in one place.