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Capture: Scavenging Thunderbird

Level : 50

Zone : Meridian

Start : Darryl

 Summerfest Merit Badge

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Capture: Scavenging Thunderbird

Shrink and capture a Scavenging Thunderbird in Pelladane and place it in the cage next to Darryl.


Rocs seem to be doing the best out of all the species I am studying here. There are multiple variants in several different locations in Dusken. For now though, I wish to begin my research with the Scavenging Thunderbirds. Here, take this device. Use it to shrink a Scavenging Thunderbird in Pelladane and bring it back here for me to study.

Upon completion

I see the Diminisher worked perfectly! Any immediately measurable side effects? Good. Hopefully no long term side effects either!