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Not Without a Trace

Level : 34

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Kira Thanos

End : Kira Thanos

Notoriety :
+400 Red Scar Trackers

Money : 15 71

XP : 3420

Not Without a Trace

Kira Thanos has asked you to track down Uriel in Lotham's Strike using the techniques of the Unseen. Find each location where Uriel appears to have been until you find her.
  • Find the first trace
  • Find the second trace
  • Find the third trace


I just saw Uriel wander off into Lotham's Strike. Not that I care about what that little princess is doing, but I think someone should make sure she isn't being foolish. She is useful from time to time, after all. I can't be the one to track her or she'll be angry with me. I need your help.

Upon completion

That sounds like the elderly Bahmi Uriel freed in Stonefield. Why would they be meeting in secret? No matter, as you said, she had no interest in discussing the power of the dragons. I'll ask her about it later. I'm sure it was nothing, [%NAME].