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Hylas Needs a Hug

Level : 50

Zone : Silverwood

Start : Cledus Redfield

 Summerfest Merit Badge

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Hylas Needs a Hug

Find and hug Hylas somewhere in Silverwood
  • Find and hug Hylas somewhere in Silverwood


Hello there, [%lad_lass]! If you're looking for bait, you'll have to find it elsewhere - this here's all mine! Oh, the Scavenger Hunt? I'm the one you talk to about that around here. If you want credit for Silverwood, you'll have to find and hug Hylas. Where is he, you ask? I have a little ditty about it! Seek Hylas near a vicious brigand, kidnapped people near at hand. a follower of Twyl, a green-flamed sconce is filled he ponders in a fae dreamland.

Upon completion

Congratulations, you have completed a part of the Scavenger Hunt! Here is your reward.