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Last of the Zardonis

Level : 50

Zone : Shimmersand

Start : Thal Hulifan

End : Atticus Tylakios

Money : 42

XP : 0

Last of the Zardonis

Seek out Decorated status among the Dragonslayer Covenant and then speak with Thal again.
  • Seek out Decorated status and then talk to Thal


Now, I understand your business to be very important, and you are an Ascended. The lineage of our members, and whether Acacia Zardonis has any descendants among our order, is not information I would give to just anyone, however. There is protocol to be followed, and safety measures to be taken in account. No, I simply could not possibly tell that information to anyone who had not done their time serving our order and earning our trust.

Upon completion

Yes... my real name is Atticus Zardonis. I'm the last of the Zardonises. Unless, of course, I manage to survive all this and have a family of my own. I don't believe that's very likely, though. The planes are coming for all of us.