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Level : 50

Zone : Sanctum

Start : Cardinal Alwan

End : Veras

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040


Cardinal Alwan wants you to find the marks of Thontic that exist off the coast of Freemarch. Seek communion with the Messenger of the god of mystery.
  • Pray at the First Marker of Thontic
  • Pray at the Second Marker of Thontic
  • Pray at the Third Marker of Thontic
  • Pray at the Fourth Marker of Thontic
  • Talk to the Messenger of Thontic


It is times like this that our faith is truly tested [%NAME]. I sit in judgment over mortal and mystical forces, I see what the corruption of the dragons has done to Telara, what it has done to my homeland. But I believe that the gods of the Vigil have chosen you to help us achieve greater understanding. Go to the statue of Thontic off the coast of Freemarch. Search for the god of mystery's mark along the way and offer prayer. If this was the will of the Vigil they will surely send a messenger.

Upon completion

I'm assuming that you were making a goodbye speech to your former masters. Are you excited to hear the peasants tremble at the mere mention of your name? Ready to experience the profane pleasures of the ritual of Xorcastin, or did you want to limber up a little first? Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself here. I'm just so pleased that you decided to go completely mad and join us in our uncanny takeover. Really I had you pegged for someone who would agree to be locked away and tortured for eternity, but now that I know you are ready to swim with the big fish... oh what horrible things we'll do together.