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New Blood

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

Start : Adriana Weaver

End : Adriana Weaver

 Adriana's Automatic Sneak-o-matic

Money : 42

XP : 6720

New Blood

Cleanse the Dragon's Eye in Death's Approach before Duke Zarbog arrives. Kill the Twisted Horror by luring it to the mines that Adriana Weaver will place, then destroy Zarbog's forces.
  • Cleanse the Dragon's Eye
  • Kill the Twisted Horror
  • Slay Duke Zarbog and his followers


Zarbog plans to use the remaining Twisted Horror to destroy us, but these mines will take care of it. I'll lay them down - you just lead that golem on top of them. Zarbog's known to draw power from a relic of Regulos prior to attacking, but you can nullify it with your Ascended magic if you get there first. He's my cousin, but for the good of all, we must put an end to his evil. Are you with me?

Upon completion

I can't believe we really did it. Duke Zarbog, his Twisted Horror, their men... all dead. Zarbog set the course of my life before I was even born. My father raised me in poverty to escape his assassins, so I never knew of my heritage, or the obligations to my people. Once again, I owe you a great debt, [%Name]. I will repay it by continuing the fight against the forces that would enslave us.