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Lecu the Claw

Level : 42

Zone : Droughtlands

Start : Moose

End : Moose

Notoriety :
+300 Arcane Hand

Money : 22 94

XP : 4140

Lecu the Claw

Moose at Hunters' Camp wants you to kill the infamous hunting cat, Lecu the Claw. You can find him stalking prey in the Carrion Heights to the southwest.


You fought off the hunting cats without much trouble, but the one that worries even the most seasoned huntsmen is Lecu the Claw. Strong as a bull, he is, with the reflexes of a... well, of a cat. A giant, man-eating cat, though. He's really quite dangerous.

Upon completion

It warms my heart to see a [%man_woman] so adept at the hunt. You could show the trappers and trackers around here a thing or two! In fact, would you? I'd really like to increase output around this camp - my customers are most impatient.