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Level : 50

Start : Omm

 Summerfest Merit Badge

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040


Find the Egg in Omm's Web.
  • Find Omm's Egg Sack


Why hello there lunch ... oh, you are one of the Ascended. Too bad, I was hoping for a snack. Well, I may eat you anyhow. I have cousins who tell me about the Ascended aversion to labyrinths. They set some up a year ago in some strange places called Sanctum and Meridian. From what they say the screams of the Ascended could be heard for miles. That's alright, you see, I like screams. You might even say they ... sustain me. So here is the bargain [%RACE]. Enter my Web. I built it out of the bones of those who fail. I'm quite proud of it. If you can find my egg sack, hidden within, I will let those who care know you have completed your task in Seratos. If you fail ... well I DID say I was hungry, didn't I?

Upon completion

Congratulations, you have completed a part of the Scavenger Hunt! Here is your reward.