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Workorder: Tempestflower Coolant

Level : 50

Zone : Meridian

End : Padma Ultan

Repeatable : Monthly (Monthly)
 Master Craftsman's Mark
 Rift Lure - Apothecary

Money : No value

XP : 0

Workorder: Tempestflower Coolant

Padma Ultan wants you to craft Tempestflower Coolant.


The supreme test of any artisan is crafting a rift lure. The slightest error could lead to an interplanar disaster that would make the Bloodstorm look like a pack of lazy fire-squirrels. [%NAME], you're one of the few who can fashion the Tempestflower Coolant. If you bring me one, I can give you a complete lure.

Upon completion

Brilliant work, [%NAME]. This Tempestflower Coolant is the final piece needed to create the rift lure. And now, the lure shall be yours. Use it wisely.