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Attitude Adjustment

Level : 50

Zone : Moonshade Highlands

Start : Morold the Bogling Bane

 Summerfest Merit Badge

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Attitude Adjustment

Find Foulmouthed Boglings, and adjust their attitudes.
  • Adjust 10 Foulmouthed Bogling's Attitudes


You are here for the Scavenger Hunt, [%NAME]? It turns out that I have a task for you. Some beings just cannot ever be satisfied. I mean, look around you! It is beautiful here, but even so there are plenty of Foulmouthed Boglings running around. I need you to cheer em up. Or at least shut em up!

Upon completion

Congratulations, you have completed a part of the Scavenger Hunt! Here is your reward.