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Fly on the Wall

Level : 50

Zone : Sanctum

Start : Cardinal Visc

End : Cardinal Visc

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Fly on the Wall

Cardinal Visc wants you to travel to where you first spoke with Tidelord Veras. Imprison the spirit within the blessed crystal decanter.
  • Capture Veras's spirit


The hallucinations that you have described to us, we have debated with the foremost scholars of the Guardians. Were they merely your fears and imagination brought forth by the sickness? Or were they the thoughts of an outside force invading your mind. We have determined that they were indeed caused by this Veras, now a mere water spirit, that should now have no great power over you, but one who we don't want reporting to his mistress, Lyrr. Seek him out where you first spoke, capture him in this and we may proceed with our trap for the Abyssal.

Upon completion

So that is the spirit that caused us such trouble. Amazing how something so small and insignificant looking can cause such suffering. I will send him off to Katia for banishment in the Vault of Heresy.