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Reclaimed from the Storm

Level : 50

Zone : Shimmersand

Start : Suria Batar

End : Rurik

Money : 42

XP : 0

Reclaimed from the Storm

Return to Rurik with the completed charm of Nyx.


You've done a brilliant job, so I suppose now I must uphold my end of the bargain. You may have the charm passed down through the Dominata, for all it's worth. It's never actually done anything for me personally, so I hope it does you some bit of good.

Upon completion

Nyx knew how to control the mind, and so she would have also known how to shield the mind from penetration. She probably used this charm to ward their minds from incursion. Very, very interesting! Nyx has always been my favorite. A right piece of work she was, but I'll admit, there's just something about her... Maybe it's just her power to cloud the minds of men still working more than a thousand years later, eh?