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A Woman Scorned

Level : 26

Zone : Gloamwood

Start : Laria

End : Furtho Dragomir

Choose one of these rewards :
 Spiritual Cape
 Pestilence Shawl
 Deadly Caretaker's Shroud
 Champion's Cloak

Notoriety :
+600 Gloamwood Waykeepers

Money : 13 11

XP : 3600

A Woman Scorned

Laria wants you to travel north to Shadefallen Keep and defeat the Hag on the stone platform on the east side of the courtyard.


I can sense the power of nature beginning to twist under the Hag's spell, but I alone cannot stop this dark tide. You need to confront the Hag once more, [%NAME], and despite your curse, you must find the strength to defeat her. If you choose to remove the curse upon you before you confront the Hag, there is a way. Seek out Gwyddon Duskenleaf in Gloamwood Pines, as he has the potency to cleanse you.

Upon completion

The reports are true - you have defeated the Hag! I don't know how you did it, but it feels as if a weight has been lifted from our shoulders. The people of Gloamwood are in your debt, and the name of [%FULL_NAME] shall not be forgotten.