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Workorder: Titanium Sabatons

Level : 41

Zone : Sanctum

End : Robern Charrette

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)
Choose one of these rewards :
 Artisan's Mark

You will also receive :
 Expert Armorsmith Supply Chest

Notoriety :
+400 Icewatch

Money : No value

XP : 0

Workorder: Titanium Sabatons

Robern Charrette wants you to craft Titanium Sabatons.


Up in The Chancel of Labors, in Iron Pine Peak, the men and women of the Icewatch are ever vigilant for the incursions of the dragons, and have been for centuries. In these days of the rifts that task is almost insurmountable. We should aid their cause with a gift of well made Titanium Sabatons. If you could deliver those to Robern Charrette, quartermaster of the Icewatch, that would show how committed we are to their cause.

Upon completion

Thank you [%NAME]. This will help to protect our soldiers. The Guardians have always been friends to the Icewatch.