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Smarter than the Average Bogling

Level : 50

Start : Bohrn Junsmith

 Summerfest Merit Badge

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Smarter than the Average Bogling

Retrieve the Summerfest Picnic Basket from the boglings in City Core.
  • Find the Summerfest Picnic Basket


I couldn't think of what could be worse than ants during a picnic, but I found my answer. Boglings! I didn't see it, but I'm sure it was a bogling that took my picnic basket when I went for a quick dip in the water. [%NAME], please find out where they are hiding and retrieve my basket. I can't have those smelly, slimy fingers on my food. Actually... Wait, I don't think I want it back, just find my basket and make sure those thieving boglings don't enjoy my tasty treats.

Upon completion

Congratulations, you have completed a part of the Scavenger Hunt! Here is your reward.