
Bugs Verfasser Aufrufe Antworten Letzter Beitrag
Not syncing....
DamienLestat 7970 2 29.08.16, 11:19
Von Jelan 
No jvm could be found
Foxblade 9265 1 21.06.16, 03:38
Von Jelan 
My music stop playing. Need help
Tigerak 7970 4 17.04.16, 06:09
Von Jelan 
Stat weights are not correct.
biship 8520 3 08.04.16, 05:40
Von Jelan 
Rift Warrior Ability "Power Variation" is missing
Boseo 8630 2 29.03.16, 08:56
Von Jelan 
Sync issues, No JVM could be found...
yatestm 8033 2 28.03.16, 03:57
Von Jelan 
Cannot play game
TaliDarky 8603 1 28.12.15, 04:10
Von loulina 
Magelo Sync
rmiller21 8427 1 19.12.15, 11:54
Von Jelan 
Magelo can't find toons
Krocus 8489 2 24.10.15, 19:38
Von Jelan 
Magelo Sync Keeps Giving Errors
Mycopanther 8888 2 04.06.15, 09:21
Von loulina 
Cant get Sync to ork !?
Sensemilla 9263 2 25.04.15, 12:53
Von Sensemilla 
Charcter sync
Zarko990 10378 1 25.04.15, 08:14
Von Jelan 
stat on items still show lvl 60.
Silvertail 9148 1 13.04.15, 06:24
Von loulina 
Rift not syncing items
Nandail 9096 4 18.08.14, 06:18
Von loulina 
Can't detect a 64 bit Java..?
WhtKntAssassin 9094 2 24.03.14, 08:16
Von loulina