Shine On You Crazy Defiant

Stufe : 1

Ende : Legionär Ashurd

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

 Geschmolzener Goldbarren

Geld : 12

XP : 450

Shine On You Crazy Defiant

Legionnaire Ashurd would like you to go to several wardstones and use the Augment Wardstone ability to give them an upgrade.
  • Use the Augment Wardstone abilitiy to augment wardstones that would grant experience


[%NAME]! You're just in time. I was hoping you would come by today. Our wardstones are in need of an upgrade if they're to stay standing, and I think you are just the one to help out.


You really made those wardstones shine, [%NAME]. Thank you!

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