An Amazing Amalgam

Stufe : 1

Gebiet : Sanctum

Start : Nitisko

Ende : Nitisko

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)


Geld : Kein Wert

XP : 450

An Amazing Amalgam

Use the Stonetouched Forge in Sanctum to combine marked travel stones into inscribed travel stones. Then, combine the inscribed travel stones to create a Resonating Inscribed Travel Stone. If needed, search the chest next to the Stonetouched Forge in Sanctum for more stones.


The marked travel stones I've gathered have an interesting property. If fused together within a Stonetouched Forge, they bind with each other to form different stones. My research indicates that if you combine the stones in just the right ways, you'll end up with a Resonating Inscribed Travel Stone. Here's a bag of marked travel stones. Want to give it a shot? If needed, search the chest next to the Stonetouched Forge in Sanctum for more stones.


When struck, Resonating Inscribed Travel Stones emit a different sound than the marked or inscribed ones. We may be able to use this property to further tune the Greater Travel Stones outside the city, and restore them to use.

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