Unannounced Arrival

Stufe : 1

Gebiet : Meridian

Start : Sophasa die Weitblickende

Ende : Sophasa die Weitblickende

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)


Geld : Kein Wert

XP : 450

Unannounced Arrival

Use the harmonic trigger at the group of travel stones on Crook Ridge and observe the results.
  • Use the Harmonic Trigger within the group of travel stones on Crook Ridge


We've got to figure out how the Wanton Maw are using the travel stones without trouble. There's another set of travel stones further outside town that might respond to this harmonic trigger. Use it there, and it should force a reaction from the stones - and hopefully cause a teleportation that can help us. The results will be unpredictable, but at least you'll be able to learn more about what is going on here!


You say you saw what, [%NAME]? Unbelievable! Now we have even more questions to answer.

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