A Dangerous Trade

Stufe : 20

Gebiet : Dämmerwald

Start : John Tintan

Ende : John Tintan

Wählen Sie eine dieser Belohnungen :
 Bundhaube des Türhüters
 Kapuze des Läufers

Bekanntheit :
+300 Dämmerwald-Weghüter

Geld : 6 30

XP : 2160

A Dangerous Trade

John Tintan wants you to travel to Silkweb Pass and collect Cloudbourne Ice Necklaces from the crates scattered throughout the area.


I've hit a goldmine! People believe these Cloudbourne Ice Necklaces actually repel rift monsters! Ha! Desperate people will believe anything. Unfortunately, my couriers were killed in Silkweb Pass. If you're up to it, retrieve the necklaces from the abandoned crates.


You don't look any worse for the wear, [%class], and these Cloudbourne Ice Necklaces will do the Pines just fine.

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