Help From Above

Stufe : 7

Gebiet : Silberwald

Ende : Orin Bancroft

Bekanntheit :
+100 Quecksilber-Gelehrte

Geld : 1 25

XP : 990

Help From Above

Orin Bancroft wants you to clear out the Maelforge Embers north of Divine Landing. He has given you a blessing to assist you in the effort, and will give you another if it runs out.


The flames of Maelforge are easily sparked anew, [%NAME]. Even now, powerful beings of fire are spreading their corruption. Accept the blessing of the Vigil, and smother the embers of Maelforge from these hallowed shores.


The Maelforge Embers had no chance against you. Your faith is strong, as are your abilities. I am exceedingly interested in what the gods have planned for you, [%NAME]. I have no doubt you will rise to great heights.

Talander - Vor 11 Jahren
No longer in game.

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