Relentless Assault

Stufe : 50

Gebiet : Meridian

Start : Jensen Farnsworth

Ende : Jensen Farnsworth

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Bekanntheit :
+500 Unheimliche Vorhut

Geld : 42

XP : 6720

Relentless Assault

Confront the Guardians in Port Scion and overcome their forces five times.
  • Win 5 matches in Port Scion


The Guardians continue to challenge our assault on Port Scion! We must be relentless if we wish to secure all the wonders that lie within the city, lest we all find our minds consumed with a false 'love' of the Vigil! Go to Port Scion, Defiant, and dominate them.


I think we may finally consider ourselves rid of the threat of the Guardians in Port Scion. Nicely done, Defiant.

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