Never Alone

Stufe : 1

Ende : Legionär Ashurd

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)
 Geschmolzener Goldbarren

Geld : 12

XP : 450

Never Alone

Talk to Hallam Darad, purchase the Ascended Power: Defiant's Flare ability from him, then use it on a planar foothold that would grant experience.
  • Talk to Hallam Darad in the College of Planar Studies
  • Purchase the Defiant's Flare and use it on a planar foothold that would grant experience


You're [%NAME], right? [%SIR_MADAM], you've been assigned a group of strong fighters you know. Specifically, their orders are to "attack planar targets designated by their assigned Ascended leader." You give the signal, and they charge in and help. Do you have the Defiant's Flare, Ascended? You don't?! Well, we can fix that!


Glad it worked out for you! Did the troops show up? Between you and me, they need the exercise! As long as you have the Planar Charges to fire that flare, use it to your advantage.

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