Skin of My Teeth

Stufe : 1

Ende : Hauptmann Beloray

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)
 Geschmolzener Goldbarren

Geld : Kein Wert

XP : 450

Skin of My Teeth

Collect Wanton Maw Orders from earth or fire rift creatures that would grant experience for Captain Beloray.


Those terrible, horrible, little creatures. Just look at what they've done to me, [%NAME]! It's getting so a respectable citizen can't walk about without threat of being eaten by a planar invader. Hey, you're Ascended. Maybe you can help. No, no, no! I know you can! Grab some Wanton Maw Orders off the planar beasts for me so I can wash this stench off properly. I'll even reward you for your troubles.


You continue to do your part for the Vigil and for us ordinary folks, [%NAME]. Thank you. As promised, here is your reward.

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