Drawing Them Out

Stufe : 1

Ende : Legionär Ashurd

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

 Geschmolzener Goldbarren

Geld : 12

XP : 450

Drawing Them Out

Use your Planar Lure ability to open an appropriately leveled tear and then close the rift.
  • Use the Planar Lure ability at an appropriately leveled Tear
  • Close a Rift that would grant experience


Ascended, the planes have been trying to force openings into Telara with increasing frequency. Each tear weakens the bounds between our world and theirs. Use your power to pull them into our world to defeat them on your terms.


Every tear you pull those planar fiends through is one less left waiting to surprise civilians. Thank you, Ascended.

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