Shoring up the Wardstones

Stufe : 1

Ende : Yareniv

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

Geld : Kein Wert

XP : 450

Shoring up the Wardstones

Use your Bless Wardstone ability on a wardstone that would grant experience.
  • Bless a wardstone that would grant experience


The travel stones were shut down by Akylios years before the Vigil put the Ward into place. With Akylios gone and the travel stones unblocked, planar energy is in flux. The Ward is having to adjust to these fluctuations, which puts it at risk. Fortunately, you have the power to help it re-balance. Find a wardstone that's near your level of power, and use your Bless Wardstone ability to brace the wardstone. If necessary, take back an enemy foothold to restore the wardstone first.


That's great, [%NAME]! These kinds of planar fluctuations are something the Ward has never had to deal with. It's vital that every Ascended pitch in and help shore up the wardstones.

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