Gathering Shadows

Stufe : 26

Gebiet : Steinfeld

Ende : Scotty Malm

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

 Siegel des Runenkönigs

Geld : Kein Wert

XP : 3600

Gathering Shadows

Use the shade trap on Shadespawn infestations at Towering Steppes in Stonefield to collect Shadespawn.


By cracking the door of Hammerknell, Jornaru has allowed Shadespawn to escape from the Fortress. We can use their energy to weaken the door further. The Shadespawn are infesting Towering Steppes. Use this shade trap to capture them.


Because these Shadespawn have passed through the gates of Hammerknell, they bear the runic imprint of the original gate seal. When inverted, these imprints can be turned against what remains of the seal. All I need to do now is apply them to our cannon projectiles, and they'll cut through the doors all the faster.

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