Making a Point

Stufe : 30

Gebiet : Wundwaldregion

Ende : Brigadier Bavila

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)
Geld : 12 60

XP : 3060

Making a Point

With the Mark of the Defiants upon you, [%QUESTGIVER] wants you to kill Guardian players on the Howling Plateau, northwest of Scarwood Ridge.
  • Kill Guardian players while carrying the Mark of the Defiants


I don't think the Guardians here in the Howling Plateau are really getting the message. I think it's time to let them know we mean business! I have placed a Mark of the Defiants upon you, when you slay Guardian players it will plant a banner near their corpse. Come back to me if you need it again. This will get the message across. Heh.


I can see the Defiant banners from here! Nicely done, [%NAME].

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