Calling out the Cadence

Stufe : 1

Gebiet : Meridian

Start : Aposidis Draxxus

Ende : Aposidis Draxxus

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

Geld : Kein Wert

XP : 450

Calling out the Cadence

Crack the musical code of a group of harmonic travel stones.


Some say that these travel stones can make music, but there are none that can unlock the song. Do you wish to try, [%NAME]? There are groups of harmonic travel stones that have appeared across Telara. We have brought a group of them here for study. I encourage you to play them until you have unlocked their mysterious euphony.


Amazing! When you played the stones, they chimed like I've never heard before. If we construct a set of stones to play the right song someday, they might be able to teleport people again.

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