A Pilgrim's Blessing

Stufe : 1

Ende : Korporälin Riasa

Wiederholbar : Täglich (Täglich)

 Geschmolzener Goldbarren

Geld : 12

XP : 450

A Pilgrim's Blessing

Corporal Riasa would like you to go speak with Abstaffar the Mysterious, the Ascended Power dealer, so you can learn a new ability and bless a wardstone.
  • Speak with Abstaffar the Mysterious in Sanctum of the Vigil
  • Use the Bless Wardstone ability to bless wardstones that would grant experience


I'm so glad you came, [%NAME]. It's hard to make a pilgrimage only to discover the wardstone sought is so neglected that it has become overrun with beasts and crawly things. You should speak with Abstaffar the Mysterious to learn a way we can take care of this problem.


The Vigil thanks you, Ascended! You are truly a saint to have helped those of us that continue to make the journey.

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