Name | Level | Category | Zone | Drop rate |
Felltouched Husk | 1 | Construct | 100% 1 of 1 | |
Dune Widow | 50 | Beast | Shimmersand | 5% 14 of 276 |
Akalan Drudge | 50 | Elemental | Shimmersand | < 1% 1 of 153 |
Abyssal Icelasher | 1 | Elemental | Droughtlands, Gloamwood, Shimmersand, Moonshade Highlands, Silverwood | < 1% 1 of 203 |
Crystal Warder | 50 | Construct | Shimmersand | < 1% 1 of 286 |
Redsnow Outlaw | 30 | Humanoid | Iron Pine Peak | < 1% 1 of 391 |
Darkwood Nightblade | 50 | Fae | Stillmoor | < 1% 1 of 801 |
Mathosian Legionnaire | 50 | Humanoid | Stillmoor | < 1% 1 of 1750 |
Mathosian Knight | 50 | Humanoid | Stillmoor | < 1% 1 of 2582 |
Gnarled Leaftender | 52 | Demihuman | Ember Isle | < 1% 1 of 3962 |
Wanton Butcher | 50 | Humanoid | Shimmersand | < 1% 1 of 5050 |
Wanton Arsonist | 50 | Humanoid | Shimmersand | < 1% 1 of 8973 |