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Noble Greaves of Valor

Runebreakable : 76

Sell for : 7 92

Noble Greaves of Valor

Bind on equip Legs Plate
Armor: 362 Strength +7 Endurance +10 Block +12
Item Level 31 Requires Level 29 Calling: Warrior Runebreakable (Runecrafter 76)
7 92
Dropped by: Os'on'aes
Zone: Scarwood Reach
Drop rate: 2%
Dropped by: Granite Devastator
Zone: Scarlet Gorge
Zone: Shimmersand
Zone: Moonshade Highlands
Zone: Stonefield
Zone: Freemarch
Zone: Iron Pine Peak
Zone: Silverwood
Zone: Stillmoor
Zone: Scarwood Reach
Zone: Gloamwood
Drop rate: <1%

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