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Hunt or be Hunted

Level : 60

Zone : Tempest Bay

Start : Korvin Anders

End : Korvin Anders

Notoriety :
+1250 Torvan Hunters

Money : 86 76

XP : 103194

Hunt or be Hunted

Korvin Anders wants you to use the Torvan Scanner to track down the Envoy in Ashora.
  • Scout the Envoy's scrap yard
  • Use the Torvan Scanner to expose the Envoy
  • Use the Torvan Scanner to expose the Envoy
  • Use the Torvan Scanner to expose the Envoy
  • Expose the Envoy and turn her traps against her


It's all clear now. The Envoy is impersonating Torva to confuse and instill fear, but the Torvan Hunters will not be swayed. I've built a scanner that can track the type of Empyrean technology that the Envoy employs. Use it to track down this impostor and punish the Envoy for dishonoring Torva's name.

Upon completion

What? You say that the Envoy is... Torva? A machine? Torva is a machine?!

stealthman - 4 years ago
To finish this quest, you expose her with the scanner, and she will appear at one of the four traps that are on the ground. She will summon a pet, kill the pet and click on the trap in front of her. After the pet is killed the trap sparkles, but will dissipate and the Envoy disappears. Use a pet to tank it away from the Envoy, while your at the trap. After her pet is killed, just click on the trap. Her pet uses a knock back ability during the fight, so adjust accordingly to your abilities if you don't have a pet. FYI, If you don't click on the trap in about 5-10 secs, the Envoy disappears and you have to fight her again.

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