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Chromite Rifle

Tradeskill : Weaponsmith

Difficulty : 130 140 150 160

Chromite Rifle

Weaponsmith (130)

Chromite Bar (1)
Mahogany Lumber (1)
Fine Grinding Stone (5)

Taught by: Geld the Blade
Zone: Iron Pine Peak
Taught by: Bracket
Zone: Moonshade Highlands


Chromite Rifle

Bind on equip Ranged Gun
Damage per second: 34.2 62-116 damage every 2.6 sec 30 meter range
Strength +8 Dexterity +11
Item Level 34 Requires Level 32 Calling: Warrior Rogue Runebreakable (Runecrafter 76)
5 23
Recipe: Chromite Rifle
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (130)

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