Brûler des fourmis

Points : 10

Zone : Ashora

Camp :

Brûler des fourmis

Il va vous falloir une plus grande loupe.
  • Architectes tués (1000)

Points: 10

k0ttheawes0me1 - Il y a 8 ans
The best way I found is to shard hop at all of the Architect Controlled Border Forts. You can get about 10 per fort. 4447, 6264 3890, 6586 2727, 6305 2505, 5727
SonoLS - Il y a 7 ans
The best location i have found is at /Setwaypoint 3493, 6510. The Architect Scouts around the Tasty Chicks all count, as well as have an amazing respawn rate. Hopped three shards and went back with them all back up, some spawning before i could complete the relatively small circle they spawn in on a single shard. Good luck!

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