Saute-requin à Draumheim

Points : 10

Zone : Draumheim

Camp :

Saute-requin à Draumheim

Effectuer plusieurs sauts sur un Renard des mers à Draumheim.
Points: 10

Oriale - Il y a 10 ans
Hedfell Farms - 4982, 4497 Shadow Scion - 6700, 6357 Gauntlet Street - 5770, 5169 Vale of Dreams - 4588, 5544 Anyone found the Thekk Overlook? MapExtension addon is not really helping, since some of the locations there are not exactly right.
Gnot - Il y a 10 ans
Thekk Overlook - This is a series of jumps that are a major pain as the shark jumps much too far. This takes many, many attempts.
k0ttheawes0me1 - Il y a 7 ans
I made a video showing how I got the practically impossible Thekk Overlook jump. Video

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