> > > Search for Dimension Items

Messages dans le sujet: Search for Dimension Items

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 24/12/2012
Ecrit le: 25/12/2012 06:12

It was just pointed out to me how to find dimension Items but when you click on it you don't find anything but a page telling me it isn't working or not ever there. I'm hoping this means it is being worked on. If not, I would like to suggest that being able to search for dimension items would be very helpful. Thanks

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 17/01/2013 08:57

Hello Daien,

We currently display the dimension items, but there is in fact a bug when you search for a specific category of dimension items (Lighting, Dimension key,...). You are in fact redirected on a "Not found" page.

We know exactly what to do to correct this, thanks for reporting this issue! I will keep you posted when it's fixed.