> > > Score calculation in item search engine

Messages dans le sujet: Score calculation in item search engine

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 31/10/2002
Ecrit le: 26/04/2013 11:53

Rift item database.

I can't understand how you calculate score for items depending on weights that I have been defined. Let's look for an example. Cunning Luminous Empyrean Trousers have next stats:
Armor - 2186
Intellenge - 99
Wisdom - 58
Endurance - 62
Spell Power - 19
Crit Power - 47

I define next weights:
spell_power = 1
intelligence = 0.96
wisdom = 0.41
spell_critical_hit = 0.33
crit_power = 0.84

So I expect the final score 19 + 99 * 0.96 + 58 * 0.41 + 0 * 0.33 + 47 * 0.84 = 177.3. But you calculate 50.085. I suggest you to change score calculation so final result will be more clear.

Nbr msg: 11496
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 26/04/2013 15:38

Hi Bjorg,

I will get a closer look at our scoring function because it should work as you expect it... Will keep you posted asap !

Nbr msg: 11496
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 26/04/2013 16:49

Ha i know what is happening... What we do is that the score is an average function so we compute the score as you have done but at the end, we divide your result by the sum of the weights. So we end up with what is called a weighted average.

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 31/10/2002
Ecrit le: 29/04/2013 10:11

Thank you for explanation.