> > > Guid achievements

Messages dans le sujet: Guid achievements

Nbr msg: 6
Enregistré: 19/08/2011
Ecrit le: 09/07/2013 19:22

It would be nice if the guild page had a tab for achievements. That way we can better see who has what achievements (especially for raid boss kills), etc.

Nbr msg: 11451
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 12/07/2013 05:48

Hi Kyrosan8,

We are planning to add a guild perks tab and a PVE progression tab very soon. Both pertain to the guild directly. Can you tell me more why you would want to track the achievements of your guild mates ? We could definitely have a tool for that but I am not sure why this is useful or needed...

Thanks !