Magelo sync isnt working even has a premium member, the info that was on magelo from couple years ago was incorrect, was never in the guild it said, so I deleted that, how can i even get my character and guild working without the sync? shouldnt need a patch every thurs.
Nbr msg: 11495
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 08/05/2015 04:20
Hi sutton,
Rift has been patched and we are currently working on patching Magelo Sync on our side. Only with Magelo Sync can you add your characters and guild info on Magelo.
Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 17/10/2015
Ecrit le: 23/10/2015 11:11
cool nice to know whats about to ask the same Q
Nbr msg: 11495
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 24/10/2015 19:36
And Magelo Sync has now been patched so you can sync your characters / guild and let it run in the background to contribute to the database.