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Messages dans le sujet: Invalid Pages and Dead Ends

Nbr msg: 1
Enregistré: 16/06/2014
Ecrit le: 18/10/2015 12:01

Plan on running Sync pretty much all the time time now. To track and load up everything from T2-3 Raids and the new dungeon. But I have been noticing some wonky pages on this end.

This page doesn't show NT Chronicles,-do-not-localize
Shadow from the Beyond links to a Invalid do-not-localise page.
The raid page for RoF shows chron loot, quests, and artifacts.
This chest leads nowhere. It's from igp last boss.

Many more endless, and dead ends around. Chests and error values. Things (dungeons, raids) not showing up in drop down menus. etc.

I'd assume some of these are linking errors? Is there anything I can do? like have sync running and run through these things?

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 20/10/2015 19:44

Hi Zonil,

First of all, thanks a lot for this valuable feedback and rest assured we will fix all those issues asap !
  1. Chronicles for NT : Will get fixed, need some code to handle this properly
  2. Ombre de l'au-delà Should probably not link to any zone (hence the -1), will fix this logic
  3. For RoF, because NT Chronicles are not flagged as such, it creates this issue, fixing the first issue will fix that automatically as well
  4. Will link that chest to the NPC, that is something we need to do manually on our side
  5. For zones/dungeons drop down, know issue, I will get that fixed as well

So let me fix all those issues and once live, keep bug reports coming

Running Magelo Sync will help mainly on those fronts:
  • Loot tables
  • NPC Geolocalization
  • NPC meta data (vendors, guild master, etc..)
  • Artifacts and game objects such as harvestable ones (mines for example) location and meta data
  • Item meta data (item level and upgradeable info for example)

Thanks in advance !

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 01/11/2015 23:49

So can we clear this up a bit? (#5)
I:GP, 65 HK, aka T2 raiding, has no zone/loot dropped. Do you want people who use this to have magelo sync on while raiding and on when looting? How does it work, I only have to loot the box and not pick anything up?

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 06/03/2016
Ecrit le: 09/03/2016 01:20

Also curious about how the sync works, will it track items from any chests that i see or just the items i personally loot? and do we have to do anything besides just having sync on in the background?

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 10/03/2016 16:59

Sorry for the late follow up on those issues. I will try to fix most of them in the coming week. For the NT Chronicle "Shadow from beyond", I would actually need some help given I cant seem to find this zone manually and I dont have a lvl 65 character to enter that zone in the game.

Can someone with a lvl65 character enter the chronicle with Magelo Sync running and get a look at the Magelo Sync log, it should display the zone ID for the chronicle. I will need this ID to fix the issue.

Hi antretha, yes ideally people raiding should have Magelo Sync running. You dont need to loot anything, just looking at the loot window of any npc or chest is enough. You dont have to do anything else, Magelo Sync will automatically upload new information.

Hi bgcgardener, as stated above, you just need to peek at the loot window, that's it, nothing more. And having Magelo Sync in the background is enough as well.

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 06/03/2016
Ecrit le: 10/03/2016 17:15

thanks for the reply, trying to help with the zone ID thing but it seems sync need to be updated as rift.exe was recently

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 10/03/2016 19:24

Yep working on it, should be done within 10mn

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 10/03/2016 19:50


Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 11/03/2016 02:13

Ok, So, I'm willing to work with you on this and get this corrected. I'm standing in Shadow from Beyond, luckly I knew what you were asking of us to do. (looking at the log that is. You didn't explain)
Shadow from Beyond:
"[2016-03-10 20:00:42] Zoned into zoneId: 303"
TO Help out, I zoned into GP and then IGP
GP: Won't sync and update. Nothing shows up as zoned in or out. Doesn't count it as a separate zone considers it Shimmersand. Just like Rift Does when you see someone zoned into it.
IGP:Won't sync and update. Nothing shows up as zoned in or out. Doesn't count it as a separate zone considers it Shimmersand. Just like Rift Does when you see someone zoned into it.

I tried it 3 times. Each entrance. I zoned into Shadow then back to the entrance of Both, then zoned in, the zone counts as:
[2016-03-10 20:14:53] Zoned into zoneId: 6
Which is Shimmersand.
What Else do you need? What other data could you use? Loot boxes from IGP is there a way to track if its working and can i look it up on this website? Like, if i have it running, will it track if i open the box.

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 11/03/2016 14:02

Hi antretha,

Thanks for giving it a try, looks like the issue is a little bit deeper than I expected and I will have to dig on my end to understand what is going on. For example, even though Magelo Sync does not properly detect GP, there is indeed a dedicated zone for it: Prophétie ambrée

For now, for those zones, there is not much else you can do. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 13/03/2016 16:08

Ok, and what about the boxes we DO loot, is there some place that we can see the boxes WE looted and Select where it came from? So that we can start the process of placing loot in the correct spots.

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 13/03/2016 16:11

If you have seen the loot window of some chests in some other instances, you should be able to find some chests in the instance with their loot. Usually a chest is associated with an NPC and i have to manually do that last part if it's not done already.

Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 29/03/2016 11:01

We just pushed a big update today that should address pretty much all the issues raised in this topic.

NT Chronicle: Ombre de l'au-delà
Shadow From the beyond quest and its zone link: Ombre de l'au-delà

The Rhen of Fate: Le Rhen du Destin
and Chronicle: Rhen of Fate: Chronique: Rhen du Destin

Chest properly linked to IGP boss: and IGP properly handled as well: Intrépide: Prophétie dorée

I have yet to re organize the zone/dungeon dropdown into something more useful.