> > > About missed tables and missing content

Messages dans le sujet: About missed tables and missing content

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 04/11/2015 21:42

So I have been using this service for a long time and love to do so, but I'm noticing a very large lack of lv 65 gear from anything and everything. IE: HK Level 65 20man raid, I:GP Level 65 10man Raid.

But I wanted to know what it would take for you guys to get what you need to update your Database so I can search in Zones and find the boss I want and look at his drop list.

My question is, if Trion is providing you with the meta data for Loot/Craftables, can't you just add the tables?

Do you need someone with free time to compile the data so you can start to make the data? What do you need from your community to help you.

I:GP has been out for a while and so has HK, what is crazy that HK only has about 10 items listed for Level 65, and the only IGP loot that has been found for I:GP is from Here, and what he found.

I Also posted a message on there, yet no reply. What would you like your community to do in order to have us help you help us. I would ask that if this app needs to be running at all times when playing the game to collect data, say that. If the game needs to be full screen and not windowed, let us know. I'm just frustrated because I have no idea how to help you and I can't find that info anywhere.

-driving himself crazy

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 26/12/2015 20:28

So, its been almost 2 full months and not a word from an admin, yet I know you guys read this and the post above me. :\ Any answer would be nice.

Nbr msg: 34
Enregistré: 31/05/2015
Ecrit le: 11/01/2016 20:52

I'm not a Magelo admin, but I can speak to the information Trion provides.
It's a list of all items shared in chat. It does NOT include information about where it drops.
For Magelo to make the link, I'm guessing someone needs to be running the Magelo client.

Nbr msg: 23
Enregistré: 27/05/2014
Ecrit le: 01/03/2016 13:12

I don't believe it's updating anymore. There are no Enslaved God's pieces.These have been in the Rift Store for a few months now. You'd expect to see at least some of them by now. Their Warmonger's gear list is pretty bad too. Most of the Warmonger's gear is in the system, but it's not readily searchable. Something is amiss with the database. If you want to do a check on this hit up this link and look for pretty much anything in the top 10 BiS. You're not going to find much in Magelo.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 25/03/2016 15:27

Hi antretha,

Apologize for the very late feedback.

In theory we should have everything we need a part maybe from loot tables. And that is where the community can help. We use and cross 3 different sources of data for our database:

The xml coming from Trion which is a starting point but lacks in many different ways, the actual data within the game client, which has a lot but for example, does not have loot tables and finally, data coming from Magelo Sync to fill the missing pieces, mainly loot tables, npc locations and meta data.

Right now there are some issues with the new zones like I:GP that I have to look into because the zone does not even show up in our database... I will look into this in the coming days.

As for looting tables, everything is in place to actually fill them. We just need help from the community. It's quite simple, make sure you have Magelo Sync running in the background and take a look at as many loot window as possible especially when you raid.

You dont have to loot anything, just displaying the loot window is enough. And that's it, once you do that, Magelo Sync will associate the items to the npc it is coming from and update our database.

Hi aakaakaak,

We might have missed an update or 2 and just to make sure i have updated our database with the latest discovery files and we are currently re indexing all items. I have checked the BIS list you linked and I could find all items.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 29/03/2016 11:30

Hi antretha,

We pushed a pretty significant update today that should fix some issues you have seen.

For example, all intrepid including I:GP are now properly handled and tagged as such:
> Intrépide: Prophétie dorée

Hammerknell Fortress has a pretty complete loot table with 239 items

But as i said previously, for more recent content, it's definitely a different story and it's up to raiding guilds to help in that regard.

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 23/05/2016 08:43

Your IGP Table lists nothing, and I have done plenty of IGP's since with Magelo patched and active when checking the loot box. Are they still linking to random boxes as previously stated? Because they aren't linking to the IGP Instance or Bosses.

I see the link now, however i know that i have looted more then just the 14 items listed..... are you able to check WHO put the items on that list? because if you check my logs i have way more then that.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 23/05/2016 09:01

I need to investigate what is going on there as we definitely have more data on IGP.. Let me get back to you once I dig into this issue.

Nbr msg: 8
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 27/06/2016 00:11

Any update to this? Been a month.