Ecrit le: 02/01/2016 18:19
- "My Inventory" ... oops system error (doesn't work anymore)
- Ranking ... my char with 33,3k achi points doesn't even show up there after multiple syncs
- Mounts still shown twice and "My collectibles" in general useless in current state
- Valor & Vengeance still in profile
- Signature still not optimized for more than usual profession slots
- A lot item pictures not loaded (just show ?), also for some souls (i. e. Oracle) no picture
- Stats don't match with stats in game
- If you have 20 roles you need to sync each one to have gear update shown in them in profile
- Only 3 professions shown in profile
Most of this I already reported months ago.
I have no problem with paying for a good service, but you need to improve stuff and maybe work together with trion to get rid of the flaws. Also autostart option (running in behind, to gather more game data would be really nice - as you probably need the data from sync to fill your db)
Anyway, happy new year, hope to see some improvements 