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Messages dans le sujet: Sync Status

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 08/03/2018 11:15

Please post a link for this on the main page for RIFT under TOOLS!!!!

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 10/03/2018 16:24

The plan is to embed this into the Magelo Sync banner on the left menu.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 10/03/2018 18:25

AWESOME Thank you! Hurry and do it, not trying to be mean but you guys seem to take forever to do things.

Question, why does it take you guys forever to respond/patch/update/etc./etc.?

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 11/03/2018 15:49

because guys = only me and I have a day job as well as a family to take care of.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 11/03/2018 15:52

I have placed tickets, please read them, get intouch with me, so pleae read them and get in touch with me so we can talk please.

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 30/03/2018 08:20

I would be more than happy to help out, just let me know, get InTouch with me pls

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 30/03/2018 08:33

Please do get in touch with me. MORE than happy to help out....

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 30/03/2018 10:35

Are you working on the patch for Rift/Rift Prime? Thank you.

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 31/03/2018 19:02

Of course I am but Easter was on the way and they patched a day later than usual.. Anyway Magelo Sync has been patched. Have a good WE.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 06/04/2018 11:21

are you working on the update for MS? Thanks

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 11440
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 06/04/2018 16:07

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