> > > Time for screenshots to appear

Messages dans le sujet: Time for screenshots to appear

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 13/10/2018
Ecrit le: 16/10/2018 04:01

I understand that it takes some time for screenshots to be moderated. How long does it take on average? I tried finding this information elsewhere on the site, but couldn't find it. Apologies if it is already listed somewhere.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 17/10/2018 15:25

AS far as I know they should appear instantly. People post them for Achievements, Quests, etc... I have summited them and they appear instantly.

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 13/10/2018
Ecrit le: 18/10/2018 04:23

Thank you for the response! I added screenshots for the Bas de maillot de bain en corail de Goboro and they appear for me, but they don't show up if I look at the page anonymously, and they don't show up on the screenshots link to the left, where the last screenshot is from 2017.

Nbr msg: 172
Enregistré: 17/02/2012
Ecrit le: 19/10/2018 00:01

There might be a bug as mine are not showing up there as well, Jelan will have to look at it....

To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.

Nbr msg: 11496
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 19/10/2018 12:05

We need to approve them, let me take care of that asap.