> > > Profile Page not changing.

Messages dans le sujet: Profile Page not changing.

Nbr msg: 9
Enregistré: 13/08/2011
Ecrit le: 19/11/2011 22:28

This has been occurring a lot lately. Change my roles and update via Magelo sync. (Great program and will renew when I see this issue fixed) go view profile and it shows old roles. Old gear etc. Go view my characters it shows the new roles. Go view profile still old roles. Refresh browser still get old roles. Finally have to delete the character and guess what new roles start showing up. Update a role bummer no new role. Irratting issue.

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 20/11/2011 01:41

Thanks for yor support Qanyena and sorry for this problem.
I think this is a cache issue on our side. We will take a look asap.
I'll keep you posted.

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 10/05/2002
Ecrit le: 20/11/2011 03:51

I have this issue as well. Old inventory but current level. Also, I have 4 souls on my main toon, yet only 3 are displayable. Premium account, and I did read the help before posting.


Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 25/11/2011 05:20

Hi Qanyena,

FYI, the URL to your profile from Magelo Sync and the URL displayed on My characters have 2 different formats. The first one is "technical" and show the ID of your character, the second one is "friendly" and show the server and the name of your character.

Please note also the URL will always display the main role first. So if you synchronize your character for your "role 2" then go to view the profile, you will still see the "role1" and you need to use the role selector to see the "role 2". I guess, we could improve this logic from Magelo Sync to show you instantly the role you just synced.

Anyway, we cleaned our cache and we think that fixed the issue.
I opened the 2 URLS of your latest character synced and the content for all roles are the same.
From Magelo Sync:
From My characters:

Please try again and if the issue is still there, it will be nice if you could provide the 2 related profile URLs.

Thank you!

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 25/11/2011 05:25

About your issue Bozebus, could you please try again to synchronize the role missing. If it's still missing in your profile, we need few more info to understand what is going on:
  • your profile URL
  • the missing role
  • the log file of Magelo Sync when you synced this role. Press "Ctrl + Shift + L" when Magelo Sync is active to open up the log, then copy and paste the content in your reply.

Thank you!

Nbr msg: 4
Enregistré: 10/05/2002
Ecrit le: 30/12/2011 07:06

Sorry for the late reply, that original issue has been resolved. Now however, my weapon is not updating.

Nbr msg: 214
Enregistré: 20/11/2011
Ecrit le: 30/12/2011 11:08

Thanks for the update! I forwarded this to Jelan, and we're currently working on this. You'll hear from us again when we have a fix


Nbr msg: 3
Enregistré: 04/06/2004
Ecrit le: 14/01/2012 00:34

I can not get my character profile to update I am a premium member I Downloaded magelo sync ran rift and synced my character or at least hit the button to said it was successful Then I come to the website log into my acct and check my characters and it shows nothing. What am I doing wrong?

Vampire Lord...

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 15/01/2012 02:08

Hi Moardok,

I can confirm there is no character synchronized on your account yet. May I ask you to double check you are loged under your account (username Moardok) on Magelo Sync when you synchronize your character?

If you share your computer or if you have more than 2 Magelo accounts, it can be just that. If not, could you please provide the log of Magelo Sync? It can help to figure out what is going on. Try to sync again and when the error occurs, press "ctrl + shift + L", when you have the focus on Magelo Sync, to get the log. Then copy its content here in your replies.

Edit: Another french user reported the same issue, so I guess the problem is on our side We will investigate and get back to you asap!

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 17/01/2012 13:09

The synchronization issue should be fixed now. Please try again to sync your characters and let us know if you still have any problem.