Anneau de Marta

Niveau : 53

Zone : Serratos

Début : Marta Tulla

Fin : Marta Tulla
Notoriété :
+300 Reliquaires de la Nécropole

Monnaie : 56 64

XP : 22860

mechanismo - Il y a 10 ans
9217 4519 Picked up the ring from a Conservateur nug corrompu, in the same compound as Marta Tulla, at the above coords.
Soraia70 - Il y a 9 ans
This quest starts with an item drop. Go to the coordinates above and kill the Corrupted Nug Hoarder in a small hut nearby. He drops Marta's Ring which will go straight to your quest log window so you won't see it on your bags. Go talk to Marta in a hut at 9248, 4507 a short distance away to complete the quest.

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